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For years, I have been very passionate about finding better ways to exercise, eat healthy and feel good about myself. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started by enolling in an online course about sports nutrition and reading some books on that perfect mix.I founded Hemiah | حمية with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and serve those who are seeking to find that healthy balance & mostly FOOD FREEDOM.

If you would like to enroll to one of Hemiah's Programs, please fill in the Subscription link below.

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Macro Count

Do you just want to know your ideal Macro Count? This Package includes: 

  1. Your ideal Macro Count breakdown of Protein, Carb & Fat with the Total Calorie Count.

  2. 2 online Sessions to guide you through your Tracking.

Hemiah Macro Method:Weekly Macro Mentoring

This program is meant to educate and mentor you through the macro counting method for a minimum of 8 weeks. You get a customized weekly guided plan to help you reach your goal.  We cover the following during the program:

  1. Understanding the macro method formula & eating the macro method way

  2. Learning to track your macros on your own for long term success

  3. Cheat Meals and eating out

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Hemiah Weightloss 


This 8 week program is designed to help you lose weight at a safe rate of 0.5kg - 1kg per week by sticking to a daily calorie allowance. This program promotes safe and healthy weight loss helping you to feel energized while still cutting calories. 

The nutrition plan is standard among all group members.

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